Large Format Lenses
NOS Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-S 135mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter #4116
Rodenstock Rodagon G 210mm F5.6 Enlarger Lens for large format negatives #4322
Fuji EBC A 360mm F10 Lens in Copal #1 Shutter (Covers 11X14) #4231
Komura TELE 300mm F6.3 lens in Copal #1 shutter for 4X5 cameras #4230
Komura Super W Komura 75mm F6.3 lens in Copal #0 shutter #4221
Schneider Tele-Arton 270mm F5.5 lens (Linhof Technika Select)
Linhof lens boards (#0, #1, #3) for large format cameras
Graphic Kowa 305mm F9 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter (covers 11X14 and more)
Fuji Fujinon C 450mm F12.5 lens in all black Copal #1 shutter #4160
Rodenstock Dinaron Digital MC 90mm F5.6 70° Lens in compur #0 (HR)
Rodenstock Apo Sironar N 240mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter (Sinaron S) #4157
Rodenstock SINAR Imagon 250mmH5.8 soft focus lens + diffusion discs + more #4118
Sold Out
Nikon Nikkor W 65mm F4 lens in Copal #0 shutter #4233
Fuji EBC A 240mm F9 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter (Covers 8X10) #4235
Fuji Fujinon A 300mm F9 EBC Lens in Copal #1 Shutter (Covers 8X10) #4072
Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-W 150mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #1 Shutter #4054
Holmes Booth & Haydens brass Petzval lens No. 577 #4044
Massive Darlot Opticien Paris brass Petzval lens 250mm F4 (covers 8X10) #4035
Goerz Apo Artar red dot 270mm (10 3/4") F9.5 coated Lens in barrel #9513
Schneider Tele-Xenar 300mm F5.5 lens in Compur shutter on #9123
Schneider Super Angulon MC 65mm F8 lens in Copal #0 shutter (Caltar W - II)
Meyer Gorlitz 105mm F2.9 Trioplan lens in Compur #1 shutter #8882
NOS Fuji EBC A 240mm F9 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter in box (Covers 8X10) #9624
Nikon Nikkor M 300mm F9 Lens in Copal #1 Shutter #9381
Sold Out
Linhof Super Technika III 4X5 camera w/ 135mm + 270mm Lenses + film +holders (#9307)
Zone VI "gold" 4X5 Camera+135mm+210mm Schneider MC Lenses + Holders + FILM #9370
Wollensak Apochromatic Raptar 13" [330mm] F10 lens for 8X10 #9514
Rodenstock Grandagon MC 75mm F6.8 Lens in black Copal #0 Shutter #9401
Schneider Super Angulon MC 210mm F8 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter #9215
Schneider Symmar S MC 480mm F8.4 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter #8631 covers 11X14+
Schneider Angulon 165mm F6.8 in Compur #2 wide angle lens for 8X10 #8633
Nikon SW 90mm F4.5 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter #8632 high speed wide angle 4X5 lens
Rodenstock Grandagon MC 75mm F6.8 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter #8634
Sold Out
Kodak Commercial Ektar 12" [305mm] F6.3 Lens in Ilex #4 Shutter OR196 #8971
Schneider KERN Goerz Dagor Gold Dot 14" [355mm] F8 Lens Copal #3 Shutter #8970
KERN Goerz Trigor Blue dot 14" [355mm] F11 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter #8635
Schneider Angulon 165mm F6.8 in Compur #2 wide angle lens for 8X10 #8953
Bausch and Lomb Tessar Ic 5X7 F4.5 Lens #8936
Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 250mm F5. lens + bubble case #8626
Busch Bis Telar Series II G. Rathenow 270mm F7 lens brass vintage + flange #8824
G Gennert Rapid Rectilinear No. 3 (240mm) F5.5 lens brass vintage + flange #8826
Carl Zeiss Jena Apo Germinar 300mm F9 large format Lens in barrel #8781
Goerz Gotar 16.5" [420mm] F8 large format Lens in barrel #8767 covers 11X14
Carl Zeiss Jena Goerz Dagor 300mm F6.8 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter #8753
Cambo SCX 8X10 monorail camera
Intrepid MKIV BLACK 4X5 Camera w/ 90mm + 135mm Schneider Lenses + Holder + film
Sold Out
Goerz Red dot Apo Artar 19" [480mm] F11 Lens in Ilex #4 shutter for 11X14+ #8669
Schneider Apo Symmar MC 120mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter #8718
Nikon Nikkor Q 450mm F9 lens in Copal #3 shutter #8563
Goerz Red dot Apo Artar 18" [450mm] F11 Lens in barrel #8511
Linhof Technikon 58mm F5.6 lens in Compur #00 shutter COATED #731 (Rodenstock)
Schneider Xenotar 105mm F2.8 lens in Compur #1 shutter COATED #211
Graphic Kowa 305mm F9 Lens in Copal #3 Shutter (covers 11X14 and more) #025
Rondestock Apo Ronar CL 485mm F9 lens on Deardorff 8X10 lensboard
Fuji Fujinon C 600mm F11.5 lens in Copal #3 shutter #011
Fuji Fujinon C 600mm F11.5 lens in Copal #3 shutter #068
Goerz Apo Artar 24" [610mm] F11 Lens in Compound shutter (covers 11X14+)
Rodenstock Apo Sironar S 135mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter (Sinaron Digital)
Schneider Apo Digitar 90mm F4.5 N-53° MC Macro lens in Copal #0 shutter #412
Meritas Ultra Speed Anastigmat 10 3/4" (270mm) F4.5 lens in Optimo shutter
Schneider Super Angulon 65mm F8 lens in Compur #00 (#160)
Schneider Super Angulon 65mm F8 lens in Compur #00 (#440)
Voigtlander Braunschweig Apo Lanthar 150mm F4.5 lens in Compur #1 #8521
Schneider G-Claron 150mm F9 Lens in Prontor Pro #01s Shutter #574
Rodenstock Apo-Digitar 135mm F5.6 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter (Sinaron Digital)
Schneider G-Claron 150mm F9 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter #640
Rodenstock Grandagon N MC 90mm F4.5 Lens in Copal #1 Shutter (Sinaron W) #185
Konica Hexanon GRII 260mm F9 lens in Ilex #4 for Large format and ULF
Fuji Fujinon W (black) 125mm F5.6 lens in Copal #0 shutter #107
Fuji Fujinon C 450mm F12.5 lens in Copal #1 shutter #322
Fuji EBC A 240mm F9 Lens in Copal #0 Shutter (Covers 8X10) #566
Horseman Topcon PS 135mm F3.5 lens in Seiko #0 shutter with cam
Schneider Super Angulon 65mm F8 lens in Compur #00
Fuji Fujinon WS 250mm F6.7 Lens in Seiko #1 (Covers 8X10) "inner writing" #980
Goerz W. A. Dagor 3 5/8" [90mm] F8 Lens in factory mounted Rapax Shutter
Fuji EBC A 360mm F10 Lens in Copal #1 Shutter (Covers 11X14) #264
Ilex Wide Field Process Paragon 305mm F9 lens in Ilex #4 shutter (Covers 11X14)
C.P. Goerz Apochromat [Red Dot] Artar 10 3/4" [270mm] F9.5 Lens in Ilex shutter
Rondestock Apo Ronar 480mm F11 in compound shutter (CLA 04/2021)